Happy kid wearing New Years Eve glasses in 2010

New Year's Eve Glasses Through The Years

As another year comes to a close, we're reminded of one of our favorite New Years tradition. The style trend that is the oversized New Year's glasses.
The Best Glasses For Your Face Shape

The Best Glasses For Your Face Shape

Nothing looks better than a properly fit pair of eyeglasses. With so many style options, many struggle with the challenge of choosing the right glasses that fit your specific face shape. The Optical. Co team...
Woman in large pink hat wearing Garrett Leight sunglasses from The Optical Co

5 Tips For Healthy Eyes This Summer

Summer means fun in the sun. But with all the fun the sun brings, it also brings serious risk to the health of our eyes and vision. Use these tips to keep your eyes and...
Say Goodbye To Reading Glasses

Say Goodbye To Reading Glasses

Do you have the cheap over-the-counter reading glasses in every room of the house and work? Let our optical experts introduce you to new alternatives and say goodbye to cheaters while improving your near vision...
Best Eye Drops For Dry Eyes

Best Eye Drops For Dry Eyes

Dry eyes is a common condition among adults and becoming increasingly common in young-adults and kids. With so many different types of eye drops on the market, how do you know which one is best...
GLCO Bio acetate collection

GLCO Introduces Environmentally Friendly Glasses & Sunglasses

Biodegradable and Bio-friendly eyeglasses? Garrett Leight introduces their latest collection of Earth-friendly glasses and sunglasses.The Bio Collection by GLCO is their first eco-friendly eyewear collection made with a new sustainable eco-acetate material. The new glasses...
Knox eyeglasses by SALT

Knox by SALT.

KNOX BY SALT. The Knox frame by SALT. pays homage to the browline frames that were a popular mid-century staple. Browline frames are defined by their bold style at the top and a thin metal...
Eliminate Annoying Glasses Glare on Zoom Calls

Eliminate Annoying Glasses Glare on Zoom Calls

Glare on your glasses can ruin the quality of any Zoom meeting, FaceTime chat or TikTok video quickly. Your goal as a presenter or creator should be for the users on the other end have...
Eyeglasses on a white plain table

How To Choose a Vision Insurance Plan

Choosing a vision plan is difficult. How do you know what options you need or what insurance plan is best? Vision insurance plans are full of confusing language and options that most of us are...